
Anne goland
Anne goland

anne goland

There will be a separate seizure hearing November 4th on the animals taken by the county. They are now being cared for on-site by a friend and a family member.

anne goland

Eighteen horses and a handful of other animals did not meet the criteria for animal seizure. Commonwealth’s Attorney Diana Wheeler says additional charges are pending in Orange County, but it will take quite some time to go over the veterinary reports of the 81 horses that had to be put into the care of volunteers and animal rescue groups. The IRS is looking at possible fraud charges. Investigators are now following animal cruelty leads in both Maryland and Pennsylvania. Authorities suspect when Goland learned she was facing the possibility of charges there, she took them to Orange County. Many had previously been living on a farm in Maryland. Some had been purchased for personal use. One question is how many, if any, of the horses had actually been rescued. Peaceable Farm is listed as a 501c3, but Goland (pictured) also bred horses there. Investigators also found dead dogs, cats and chickens. In all, 81 horses were eventually taken away, including ten that were seized by the county when Goland refused to turn them over. Authorities say while a handful of the hundred-plus horses were healthy, most were neglected, starving or both. Five other horses were so far gone they had to be euthanized. Peaceable Farm, which Goland owns, was thrust into the spotlight when Orange County deputies responded to a report of seven dead horses last week. The farm owner, Anne Shumate Goland, retained custody, as of Thursday, of another 18 horses, two donkeys, a bull and several cats, according to the sheriff. Goland has been charged with 27 counts of animal cruelty. The defense said Goland was forced to take care of the horses on her own after money from a non-profit stopped coming in over a year ago. The judge in Orange County General District Court determined Anne Goland would be a flight risk if she’s let out of jail. Bond has been denied for the owner of Peaceable Farm following a hearing Tuesday morning.

Anne goland